Vacation Rental Colosseum

Short Term Rental house Rome Colosseum Area

lunedì 14 marzo 2011

MONTI - The oldest district in Rome 
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MONTI - The oldest district in Rome

The first of Rome's districts is Monti, so called because once it included the Esquiline, Viminal, part of the Quirinale and the Celio. It is the oldest district in Rome, and there are testimonies of the Roman, medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, a succession of styles that cover 2500 years of history.
The present-day aspect of the most significant area of ​​the Monti district has narrow roads almost never on the plain, affecting the urban fabric composed of tall buildings of various ages, buildings of worn-out plasterwork and blackened by smog, where craft workshops are opened , The nightclubs, the art galleries: it is the ancient Roman Suburra, today Suburra (the name would mean "inhabited area beneath the city", and it is the impression that it is drawn down into Piazza della Suburra from the stairs of Via Cavour, near the metro line B, or climbing St. Peter in Vincoli from the stairs of the Ascension of the Borgia, but also descending from Via Nazionale to Via dei Serpenti or Via del Boschetto.).

This downhill and uphill suggests a visit of the Walking Ward, a privileged half way to live and revive the suggestions of one of the most fascinating areas of the Capital and appreciate archaeological evidence ranging from the Colosseum to the Ludus Magnus - the Gladiator Gymnasium at Domus Aurea, the Baths of Trajan, the holes of the emperors Augusto, Nerva and Traiano with adjacent markets, stretches of the Servian and Aurelian walls (with the Asinaria gate), Tito's baths, the remains of the aqueduct Claudio, San Pietro in Vincoli With the Moses of Michelagelo, Santa Francesca Romana, the Pontifical Palace, the Egyptian Obelisk, the Holy Sanctorum, the Scala Santa, the Basilica of St. John Lateran, the Church of S. Clemente, S. Martino ai Monti, Santa Maria Maggiore, medieval memories such as the Leonic triclinium, the Lateran Baptistery, S. Stefano Rotondo, the Tower of the Counts, the Knights' House of Rhodes, St. Prassede, the towers of the Capocci and some masterpieces Of the Roman Baroque as the churches of S. Andrea al Quirinale and S. Carlino al Quattro Fontane
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Suburra enters the urban area ofAncient Rome when the Etruscan king of Servio Tullio chooses for his residence. 
It is the most authentic and popular area of ​​Ube, the site of the social and human contradictions of the capital of the Empire, crowded, dirty, noisy and especially dangerous, also due to the numerous fires and collapses involving insulae, tall buildings up Five storey where an unlimited number of plebeian families live in rented apartments, in the loud noise and colors. Substantial changes occur only under Sisto V (1585/1590), which realizes the aqueduct Felice, traces via Panisperna and system via the Serpents. In the Suburra there were - and some traces are still found today - the most disadvantaged brothels, the most insecure betters and inns. Julius Caesar also saw the natives in Svbvra, and according to tradition, Nero was dressed to test the moods of the people, and Messalina, in incognito, in search of transgression.

Though characterized by a restless and popular population, the Suburra area was included in the Royal IV Templum Pacis - whose northern boundary coincided with the ancient Clivus Suburanus (current Via dei Selci) - at the time Caesar Augustus (in 29 BC Appointed by the Emperor Senate), devoted himself to urban planning of the city that he ordered in fourteen regions. The Clivus Suburanus was a branch of the so-called Argiletum: a long way that after crossing the Suburana Valley, at the top of Cispius (constituting together with Fagutal and Oppius the Esquiline hill), was divided into the Vicus Patricius ) And Clivus Suburanus. The ancient route of the Argeletum is still recognizable in the main street of the area, via Madonna dei Monti, along which there are seamless, medieval houses, seventeenth-century houses and palaces of the eighteenth century, still inhabited by a proud population of Reside in the first district of Rome and retain "in the language, habits, ways and traditions the values ​​of a still Roman city". 

At present, the Monti district (1650sqm.) Is bordered by the following borders: Porta di S. Giovanni, Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, Via Merulana, Piazza S. Maria Maggiore, Piazza Esquilino, Via Depretis, Via delle Quattro Fontane, Via del Quirinale, Piazza del Quirinale, Via XXIV Maggio, Via IV Novembre, Via Magnanapoli, Trajan's Street, Via dei Fori Imperiali, Via Nicola Salvi, Via S. Giovanni in Laterano, Via S. Stefano Rotondo, via della Navicella, Via della Ferratella, Via dei Laterani, via Amba Aradam and finally Piazza di S. Giovanni in Laterano.

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